Welcome to the Splendrink Web Service

This web service is a cocktail database API and is a work in progress. For current status see below. Data is returned as XML or JSON for app developers. Currently this service is free to use though that may be reviewed if my web hosting service starts to charge me significantly more.
Current Status 23rd June 2015 : API version 1 beta
drinks in database = 67,
brands of vodka in database = 137
brands of gin in database = 215
To do : working on adding content (need a lot more recipes in the database before I work on more functionality).

Functions available:

getIngredients (searchfor, format)
getBrands (ingred, format)
getDrinksFromName (searchfor, format)
getDrinksFromIngredients(ingred1, ingred2, ingred3, format)
getDrinkDetails (id, format)

coming soon (once I get a decent amount of content into the database!) ...

Ping() :returns total number of drinks and API version number. Useful for testing if the web service is working OK. (API revisions will guarantee backwards compatibility)
Filters : alcohol free, drinks with egg, short drinks, long drinks, pousse cafes, punches, shaken, stirred, base ingredient, units of alcohol
Party planner (suggestions based on cabinet contents, units or drinks per person, preferred style of drink)
Rate a drink(x,y): (use GPS to rate bar-mixed drinks)


Lists ingredients in database in alphabetical order. (unique ID and name returned)

searchfor:string - those ingredients with name starting with string contents will be returned. Case insensitive.
format: "xml" or "json". specifies format of returned data. Default is XML

Examples of use :

http://www.davykelly.com/splendrink/getIngredients.php - returns all ingredients as XML
http://www.davykelly.com/splendrink/getIngredients.php?searchfor=G - returns ingredients starting with G as XML
http://www.davykelly.com/splendrink/getIngredients.php?searchfor=G&format=json - as above but returned as JSON

Sample of returned dataset (xml) click here
Sample of returned dataset (json) click here


Lists brands of an ingredient in alphabetical order (unique ID, name and strength returned).Strength is % alcohol by volume.

ingred: unique ID of ingredient (non numeric values ignored)
format:"xml" or "json". specifies format of returned data. Default is XML. Case insensitive.

Examples of use :

http://www.davykelly.com/splendrink/getBrands.php?ingred=1 - returns all brands of selected ingredient. Data returned as XML
http://www.davykelly.com/splendrink/getBrands.php?ingred=2&format=xml - returns all brands of selected ingredient as XML
http://www.davykelly.com/splendrink/getBrands.php?ingred=2&format=json - as above but returned as JSON

Sample of returned dataset (xml) click here
Sample of returned dataset (json) click here


Lists Drinks in database in alphabetical order (unique ID and name returned).

searchfor:string - those drinks with name containing string contents will be returned.Case insensitive.
format:"xml" or "json". specifies format of returned data. Default is XML. Case insensitive.

Examples of use :

http://www.davykelly.com/splendrink/getDrinksFromName.php - returns all drinks as XML
http://www.davykelly.com/splendrink/getDrinksFromName.php?searchfor=cool - returns drinks with name containing "cool" (e.g. Gin Cooler) as XML
http://www.davykelly.com/splendrink/getDrinksFromName.php?searchfor=cool&format=json - as above but returned as JSON

Sample of returned dataset (xml) click here
Sample of returned dataset (json) click here


Lists Drinks in database in alphabetical order containing selected ingredients (max 3) (unique ID and name returned).

ingred1:integer - id of ingredient #1 (non numeric values ignored)
ingred2:integer - id of ingredient #2 (non numeric values ignored, ingred1 must be specified)
ingred3:integer - id of ingredient #3 (non numeric values ignored, ingred1 and ingred2 must be specified)
format: "xml" or "json". specifies format of returned data. Default is XML

Examples of use :

http://www.davykelly.com/splendrink/getDrinksFromIngredients.php?ingred1=1 - returns all drinks containing ingredient with id=1 as XML
http://www.davykelly.com/splendrink/getDrinksFromIngredients.php?ingred1=1&ingred2=12 - returns drinks containing ingredients with id=1 AND id=12 as XML
http://www.davykelly.com/splendrink/getDrinksFromIngredients.php?searchfor=ingred1=1&ingred=12&format=json - as above but returned as JSON

Dataset returned is as for getDrinksFromName


List all data in database about a selected drink

id:integer - unique ID of a drink in the database (non numeric values ignored)
format: "xml" or "json". specifies format of returned data. Default is XML

Examples of use :

http://www.davykelly.com/splendrink/getDrinkDetails.php?id=15 - returns all drink data (ingredients, glass type etc.) for that with ID=15 as XML
http://www.davykelly.com/splendrink/getDrinkDetails.php?id=15&format=json - as above but returns data as JSON.

Sample of returned dataset (xml) click here
Sample of returned dataset (json) click here
